Chinese translation for "area conditioning"
- 地区采暖
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Test field : involving pollution - free food , green food , organic food , producing area conditions and feedstuffs 承检范围:无公害食品、绿色食品、有机食品、产地环境、饲料等5大类。 | | 2. | Wind strength is acceptable ( see wind above ) sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes all other area conditions are acceptable 环境-在场地附近以及在下风区没有危险。风速不高。如果阳光强烈请用眼镜与帽子保护自己。 | | 3. | Food safety testing dept . includes 2 labs : food quality and safety lab and agriculture products and producing area conditions quality and safety lab 食品安全检验部下设两个实验室:食品质量与安全实验室和农副产品及产地环境质量与安全实验室。 | | 4. | And then , thesis explicates the reasons of the difference from five aspects including natural resource , area conditions , labor conditions , technical conditions and industry structure . furthermore , the thesis points out that the sustainable utilization of natural resource , the adjustment of labor structure , improvement of labor qualities , the employment of advanced science and technology and reasonable industry structure are critical to the improvement of rural economy ' s integral , power and comprehensive competition . at last , this thesis puts forwards a series of policies and countermeasures , such as accelerating urbanization of villages of villages to develop increasing pole , enchanting agricultural , industrialization to strengthen the industry foundation , improving the help and development policies to the poor to strengthen the district economic cooperation and the coordination effect by decreasing the limits of the poor , and so on , which can encourage each area display its advantage and supply what the other needs and make the rural economy coordinated and commonly flourishing 根据分析结果将11个市划分为省内发达区域、中等发达区域和不发达区域三种类型,将138个县(市)划分为由高到低七个等级;对差异产生的原因从自然资源、区位条件、劳动力条件、技术条件、产业结构等五个方面进行了系统探讨;并从更深层次上指出,土地等自然资源的可持续利用,劳动力构成优化、素质提高,先进科学技术的适用,产业结构的合理布局等对农村经济的整体实力和综合竞争力的提高起决定性的作用;最后,在河北省农村经济协调发展的角度,提出了“因地制宜,扬长避短;优势互补,共同发展”的指导思想和“鼓励先进,鞭策后劲;区域联动,全面协调”的基本原则,并进一步提出了加大小城建设? ?培养增长极,推进农业产业化经营? ?强化产业基础,改善扶贫开发政策? ?降低后劲制约以及加强区域经济联合? ?增强协调效应等综合措施。 | | 5. | With a purpose to provide basic data or figures for the feasible research of a project construction and its planning , taking the practical project of preselecting a factory location for an instance , using the principle and method of shallow seismic reflection , based on the area conditions , differences in physical features and disturbance , with experiments on typical sections of the construction area , one can draw reasonable measuring lines , choose right modes of producing and receiving waves , conduct primary and precise computer data processing , acquire a distinct reflected wave section from a shallow depth and explore the stratum structure in the preselected location and the distribution of longitudinal waves 摘要结合某重大工程预选厂址项目的工程实例,利用浅层地震反射波法的原理和方法,根据现场的场地条件、物性差异和干扰情况等,结合典型地段的试验,合理布置测线,选择恰当的激发和接收方式,进行初步和精细的计算机资料处理,可以得到清晰的浅层反射剖面,准确地查明了预选厂址的地层结构和纵波速度分布,为工程建设的可行性研究和规划提供了基础资料。 | | 6. | Especially tourism , it involves a wide range of knowledge , great coverage , relation being strong , and need supplementary and support of many industry , in the mean time , it need powerful organization to plan and coordinate to ensure the validity , continuance , adaptation . the text explicitly analyzes various kinds of environmental factors which influence and restrain the development of tourism such as economy , culture , demand , resource etc , and in the base of it account how a area work out development strategy adapting to area condition in terms of existing superiority and weakness of development environment 发展战略的制订是复杂而系统的工作,尤其是旅游产业,其涉及面广、覆盖面大、关联性较强,需要众多行业的辅助和支持,同时还需要强有力的组织去规划和协调才能保证战略的有效性、持续性和适应性。本文详细分析了影响和制约区域旅游产业发展的各种环境因素,如经济、文化、需求、资源等诸多环节,并在此基础上引申出一个区域如何根据发展环境中存在的优势和劣势,制订出符合本区域特点的发展战略。 | | 7. | Urban spatial structure is spatial interrelation and reciprocity of urban society , economic factor . concretely it is that urban function region forms interrelation and interdependent aggregation on spatial position according to different economic area condition , embodying city center , wide room , living area , business region and traffic distribution . research on china ' s urban development is a profound challenge for both social scientists and decision - maker ' s 城市空间结构是城市社会经济组成要素的空间相互关系和相互作用,具体地,它是城市功能区按照各自经济区位的要求形成在空间位置与规模上相互联系、互相制约的集合体,在物质形态上体现为各级城市的中心、开敞空间、居住区、工业区、商业区等,连同城市郊区在相应的交通系统下的分布。 |
- Similar Words:
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